Part 52: House of cards

House of cards
Well, shit. No really, that's what it's called.

The card game is a really nice little thing and I wish they did more of this in game - having your squadmates interacting outside of missions. Party banter makes it sound like they do, but everyone just stays in their respective spots (with the occasional exception) and never hang out together in the tavern or garden or something. ME3 had squadmates moving around the ship and having conversations and I wish they did that here but alas. Also if you're romancing Josie she lets you win

Varric's card is what it changes to after Here Lies the Abyss, regardless of what happens to Hawke. It will change again after this mission if you have high enough approval to get the card game. If Varric doesn't like you (you monster) then it won't trigger. This is Viv's card after her personal quest. Almost all your companions' cards change after their quests with a couple of exceptions. Cass's only changes if you romance her, and possibly at endgame. Solas changes romance-only. Adviser cards never change.
I'm recording commentary tonight with a new guest, so that episode will be up in a couple of days.